Knut Ole Tande

Knut Ole Tande


Knut Ole Tande


Knut Ole Tande is Partner and leads BackerSkeie’s team within the digitalization and IT sector.

He has over 16 years of experience in executive search, a core competence in recruiting top managers and board members, and critical competence for various industries with a particular focus on technology, energy, transport, and the public sector. In addition to executive search, he assists our clients with management assessment, board recruitment, and evaluation.

It’s a privilege to work with excellent leaders and ambitious companies. With a deep understanding of clients’ goals and strategies, I always aim to deliver more than expected!

Knut Ole has extensive experience in both management and strategy development through several essential leadership roles in Alcatel, Cisco, TDC, and Umoe IKT. This experience makes him a credible and solid adviser, especially for companies in industries with continuous changes.

Knut Ole has a degree in engineering from Narvik University College and a business economist from BI Oslo.